Riverfall Dialogues

Fifty Things To Do

Fifty Things To Do - A Sketchbook Project that occurred in February, 2013. "A simple list swapped with a stranger. Things to do, adventures to have, experiences not to be missed, or dance moves to master. Make your list of 50 things that will make this year one to be remembered.

1. Detox your body with a juice or liquid cleanse.
2. Support small press literature. Attend a poetry reading.
3. Support small businesses. Shop local for a month, avoid corporation stores.
4. Support independent book stores. Buy a book from one.
5a. When you finish reading a book, find a Little Free Library and donate / circulate it.
5b.. List the book on Book Crossing
6. Commit daily random acts of kindness for thirty-one consecutive days.
7. Donate your time to a non profit organization.
8. Sign the petition at the Niagara Heritage Partnership website to restore the natural landscape at Niagara Falls, NY.
9. Get 15 additional people to sign the Niagara Heritage Partnership website.
10. Buy a potted flowering plant and give it to a stranger.
11. Look a homeless person in the eye when you walk past and say, "Hi. How are you?"
12. Visit someone in a nursing home.
13. Deliver your old magazines to a hospital emergency room, a dental office or to a drug detox center, etc.
14. Send thank you notes to people written about in the newspapers who are doing good things in your community.
15. Take a free course online at Udemy, Coursera or MIT on the topic of your choice.
16. Go for a walk. See what you notice. Feel the breeze or sun on your face.
17. Buy 10 postcards and participate in Post Crossing. It's a project that allows anyone to receive postcards (real ones, not electronic) from random places in the world.
18. Attend a city council meeting. Then write a letter to the newspaper about it, expressing your views.
19. Plant a garden for pollinators, even if it's a single pot by your door.
20. Create a Bird Habitat: Feed the birds. Provide water. Add a nest box, shelter.
21. Identify 10 different trees in your neighborhood. Are they indigenous (local to your locale) or not?
22. Look at the clouds. Learn their scientific names. Take pictures of the shapes you see.
23. Work in or start a community garden.
24. Notice the color orange today, make a list.
25 Visit a farmer's market.
26. Play tourist in your community and find an unusual activity. List it on Facebook.
27. Surprise a friend with a pot of soup or another dish you made.
28. Fly a kite.
29. Attend an outdoor festival.
30. Go for a drive. If you live int he city, go to the country. If you live in a rural area, go to the city.
31. Learn two (2) new languages by year's end using an audio only system. Learn the basic words or phrases of courtesy, how to ask for and understand directions, how to order beer, and be able to count to the extent your money might require.
32. Join a Zumba class.
33. Go rollar skating.
34. Learn a new sport.
35. Make a snowman or a snow sculpture.
36. Ride in a hot air balloon.
37. Make your own artisan cheese at home: i.e. mozzarella.
38. Make freezer jam or marmalade.
39. Take a drumming class.
40. Ride a bus or subway route from one end to the other.
41. Ride a bike for every trip you need to take that's under 5 miles.
42. Call someone you've lost touch with.
43. Participate in National Parking Day. If there isn't one in your community, be a pioneer and create one.
44. Go antiquing.
45. Attend an art show or create Man Art. Decorate every envelope you send.
46. Attend a free outdoor concert.
47. Cook a different ethnic food once a week for 6 months.
48. Call your mother.
49. Learn to recognize seven constellations in the night sky, in addition to the Big and Little Dippers.
50. Create a blog. If you don't have one, you can follow mine and write about all the things you did on this list.
BONUS: "Stand for what's right, even if it means standing alone. Even if your voice shakes."


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